🎉 New feature
Fast & convenient money transfers — straight from your mobile to theirs in 35+ countries. Money arrives instantly.
Exclusively in the Xe app.
It takes just a couple of minutes. Already have an account? Just sign in.
Heads up: all you'll need is your recipient's mobile number, along with your own payment information.
Check the currencies, amount and recipient are correct. Send us the funds and we'll do the rest.
Sending money to mobile wallets in Ghana is now easier than ever with airteltigo, MTN MoMo, Vodafone Cash
Sending money to mobile wallets in Senegal is now easier than ever with with free Money and Orange Money
Sending money to mobile wallets in Bangladesh is now easier than ever with bKash, Rocket, and UPay Digital Taka
Sending money to mobile wallets in Colombia is now easier than ever with Bancolombia, Daviplata, and Nequi.
There are multiple ways to send money to your friends and families' mobile wallet with Xe. You can use debit card, credit card, bank transfer or use our regular payments service via direct debit.
Paying for your transfer with a debit card is easy and fast. It’s also usually cheaper than credit card, as credit cards are more expensive to process.
Paying for your transfer with a credit card is easy and fast. Xe accepts a number of different credit card providers.
Direct debit is available for customers who wish to make regular payments to us. This is a great option for mortgage or pension payments.
A bank transfer or wire transfer is an electronic payment which sends money directly from one bank account to another.
Mobile money, also known as mobile wallet or m-wallet, is a digital system that allows individuals to store, send and receive funds using their mobile device. It is a secure and convenient way to pay for goods and services without the need for a physical card or bank account.
Using a mobile wallet is simple and easy. With Xe, you can send money to mobile wallets in over 35 countries. Learn more about Xe's mobile wallet.
In the Xe app, create or login to your account and choose the 'Mobile wallet' delivery option. Once you've confirmed your transfer and we've received your payment, we'll send your money straight to your recipient's mobile wallet app.
Yes, mobile wallets are safe. All major mobile wallet providers use encryption and other security measures to protect user data and financial information. Additionally, most mobile wallets are PCI compliant, meaning they meet the highest industry standards for protecting customer data. Many of them also offer multi-factor authentication, giving users an extra layer of security. Furthermore, some mobile wallets even offer built-in fraud protection and dispute resolution services.
Download Xe app and go to the mobile wallet providers list.