10 AZM to FJD - Convert Azerbaijani Manats to Fijian Dollars

Xe Currency Converter

AZM - Azerbaijani Manat (obsolete)
FJD - Fijian Dollar

10.00 Azerbaijani Manats =

0.0026954981 Fijian Dollars

1 AZM = 0.000269550 FJD

1 FJD = 3,709.89 AZM

AZM replaced by AZN

Azerbaijani Manat to Fijian Dollar conversion Last updated Mar 16, 2025, 10:45 UTC

We use the mid-market rate for our Converter. This is for informational purposes only. You won’t receive this rate when sending money. Login to view send rates

Convert Azerbaijani Manat to Fijian Dollar

Azerbaijani Manat
Fijian Dollar
0.00026955 FJD
0.00134775 FJD
0.0026955 FJD
0.00673875 FJD
0.0134775 FJD
0.026955 FJD
0.134775 FJD
0.26955 FJD
1.34775 FJD
2.6955 FJD

Convert Fijian Dollar to Azerbaijani Manat

Fijian Dollar
Azerbaijani Manat
3,709.89 AZM
18,549.4 AZM
37,098.9 AZM
92,747.2 AZM
185,494 AZM
370,989 AZM
1,854,940 AZM
3,709,890 AZM
18,549,400 AZM
37,098,900 AZM

AZM to FJD chart

AZM to FJD Chart



1 AZM = 0.00026955 FJD

Mar 16, 2025, 10:45 UTC

Mar 2024May 2024Jun 2024Aug 2024Sep 2024Oct 2024Dec 2024Jan 2025Mar 20250.0002569540.0002619540.0002669540.000276865
StatisticLast 7 DaysLast 30 DaysLast 90 Days

Currency information

Learn more about the most popular currency pairs

AZM - Azerbaijani Manat

Our currency rankings show that the most popular Azerbaijani Manat exchange rate is the AZM to USD rate. The currency code for Azerbaijani Manats is AZM.

FJD - Fijian Dollar

Our currency rankings show that the most popular Fijian Dollar exchange rate is the FJD to USD rate. The currency code for Fijian Dollars is FJD. The currency symbol is $.

Fijian Dollar

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