TMT - Manat turkmeno

The Manat turkmeno is the currency of Turkmenistán. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Manat turkmeno exchange rate is the TMT to USD rate. The currency code for Turkmenistan Manat is TMT, and the currency symbol is T. Below, you'll find Manat turkmeno rates and a currency converter.

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TMT – Manat turkmeno

Manat turkmeno Stats

NameManat turkmeno
Minor unit
Minor unit symbol
Top TMT conversionTMT to USD
Top TMT chartTMT to USD chart

Manat turkmeno Profile


Tipos de divisa en tiempo real

EUR / USD1,08272
GBP / EUR1,19520
USD / JPY149,843
GBP / USD1,29407
USD / CHF0,880822
USD / CAD1,43196
EUR / JPY162,238
AUD / USD0,628706

Tipos de cambio del Banco Central

DivisaInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %