ZAR - Rand sul-africano

The Rand sul-africano is the currency of África do Sul. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Rand sul-africano exchange rate is the ZAR to USD rate. The currency code for Rand is ZAR, and the currency symbol is R. Below, you'll find Rand sul-africano rates and a currency converter.

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ZAR – Rand sul-africano

As a trading center, multiple currencies circulated throughout South Africa. The first official currency used was the Guilder. During the late 17th century, the Rixdollar was used and was the first South African currency to include paper notes. During British occupation, in 1826, the Cape Colony was put on a sterling basis, though other currencies, including Spanish Dollars, US Dollars, French Francs, and Indian Rupees continued to circulate. In 1921, the Reserve Bank of South Africa was established as the central bank. In 1961, the South African Rand replaced the Pound under a decimalized system. The ratio was 2 ZAR to 1 GBP.

Rand sul-africano Stats

NameRand sul-africano
Minor unit1/100 = Centavo
Minor unit symbolc
Top ZAR conversionZAR to USD
Top ZAR chartZAR to USD chart

Rand sul-africano Profile

CoinsFreq used: 5c, 10c, 20c, R1, R2, R5
Bank notesFreq used: R10, R20, R50, R100, R200
Central bankSouth African Reserve Bank
África do Sul, Lesoto, Namíbia

Taxas de moeda em tempo real

EUR / USD1,07906
GBP / EUR1,19954
USD / JPY149,907
GBP / USD1,29438
USD / CHF0,882748
USD / CAD1,42765
EUR / JPY161,760
AUD / USD0,630781

Taxas do Banco Central

MoedaInterest Rate