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Online Money Transfer Services for Mobile Devices

Road warriors living international lives can't pause to send funds via their laptop. The XE Money Transfer app - the Valyrian sword of the fintech realm.

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Xe Corporate

30 april 2019 4 min read

Whether you are an oft-travelling executive at a high-growth company, a globe-trotting consultant, or an expat living abroad, you are likely away from your computer most of the time. Especially when you urgently need to access information, find your way in a foreign city, or send money to a loved one or business associate.

Your smartphone is likely to be your go-to device for many apps and online activities related to your expat lifestyle, including:

  • Online banking

  • Learning the language of your new country

  • Tracking business or personal travel expenses

  • Managing your budget

  • Monitoring for any unexpected transactions on your payment cards or accounts

  • Accessing the latest foreign currency exchange rates and alerts

  • Transferring money to your friends or loved ones back home, or receiving it while abroad

There are some useful expat lifestyle apps linked above, yet if you are an on-the-go expatriate with currency needs, you can find some great money management apps here. (Including the world-renowned XE Currency Converter app, which is celebrating its 10th year on the iOS platform)

If you are a fan of the epic fantasy series, (and who isn't) Game of Thrones, you will know how Valyrian swords and daggers were the best weapons for defeating wights and The Night King. Swords made of lesser metals were about as effective as butter knives. XE mobile apps are truly the digital Valyrian sword-doppelgangers of the iOS and Android realms.  

You can't pay the salaries of your remote employees working abroad in the real-world with Westerosi currency. Nor can you pay for your daughter's destination wedding, whether she is marrying a doctor, lawyer, or even the ruler of a rival kingdom.

Yet you can use XE Money Transferto pay for these things, from your computer or from your mobile device when you're on the go. TheXE Money Transfer app is available now for iPhone, iPad, and Android. So is the XE Currency app. The XE Travel Expense App can help keep you on a budget as you travel.  

Late in 2018, House HiFX and House XE joined forces under the XE banner. The world's most trusted currency authority (even more so than the Iron Bank, or any Master of Coin) united with the company that wrote the book on bank-beating money transfers.

Sadly, I wasn't able to convince our developers to add the exchange rates for Gold Dragons, Silver Stags, Silver Moons or Copper Stars to the XE Currency Converter. Strangely, they are completely focused on developing apps to gather the latest valuations of real-world currencies. The XE Rate Blender imports and processes currency exchange data from upwards of 100 sources, yet Lord Varys' "little birds" aren't one of them.

Photo by mauRÍCIO santos / Unsplash

Are you planning a trip to the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros (or at least the scenic real-world places like Scotland, Ireland, Iceland and Canada where the series was filmed) this year? You know, to ski on what remains of The Wall, ride your bike up the King's Road, or take a tour of the House Tyrell's vineyards? If you are, you should make note of these currency exchange values, courtesy of A Wiki of Ice and Fire. You won't be able to spend these currencies, however if you meet other Thronies at DragonCon, you'll be able to negotiate a good deal on a Tyrion-sized flagon of ale.

Photo by Jan Zikán / Unsplash
Let XE help you along your journeys around the world. Our mission isn't to rule the seven kingdoms, it is to empower our customers to live their best international lives.

Open a free money transfer account to make international supplier payments, or send money to a loved one.

A Lannister always pays his debts. Now you can too, even in a foreign currency from wherever your life takes you.

Please Note:

The information, materials, accompanying literature and documentation available on our internet site is for information purposes only and is not intended as a solicitation for funds or a recommendation to trade. XE, its officers, employees and representatives accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages suffered through any act or omission taken as a result of reading or interpreting any of the above information.

While we take reasonable care to keep the information on the website accurate and up to date, there may be occasions when this is not possible. Case Studies and articles are not intended to predict future moves in exchange rates or constitute advice.  

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